The working of diods

Are you curious about the tiny electronic components known as diodes? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Diodes are an important component in modern electronics and play an important role in circuit design. They allow current to flow in only one direction and prevent it from flowing in the opposite direction. In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating world of diodes, explore their different types, how they work, the pros and cons of their use, applications across various industries and more. So let’s begin to understand one of the building blocks of electronics – the simple diode!


A diode is a small electronic component that allows current to flow in one direction only. They have two terminals, an anode and a cathode, and are composed of semiconductor materials such as silicon or germanium. When connected in a circuit, diodes play an important role in controlling the flow of electricity.

One of the most common types of diodes is the rectifier diode, which converts an AC voltage to a DC voltage by allowing current to pass only during the positive half cycle. Another type is the Zener diode, which operates in reverse bias and allows current to flow backwards when it reaches its breakdown voltage.

Schottky diodes are another popular type that have low forward voltage drop and fast switching times. It is usually used as a rectifier for power circuits or as a protection device against high frequency noise.

There are many types of diodes with unique characteristics that make them suitable for various applications across industries such as automotive, telecommunications, consumer electronics and more. Without this small yet powerful device, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy all our modern devices!

Diode work

Diod ialah komponen penting dalam litar elektronik, dan memahami cara ia berfungsi adalah asas untuk memahami kelakuan litar ini. Diod membenarkan arus mengalir hanya dalam satu arah sambil menghalangnya ke arah yang bertentangan. Sifat ini menjadikannya sesuai untuk membetulkan voltan AC kepada voltan DC.

Prinsip kerja diod adalah berdasarkan sifat bahan semikonduktornya. Diod mempunyai dua terminal iaitu anod dan katod. Mereka terdiri daripada semikonduktor jenis-p dan jenis-n yang membentuk persimpangan antara mereka yang dikenali sebagai Persimpangan PN.

Apabila tiada voltan pincang luaran yang dikenakan merentasi persimpangan PN, ia bertindak seperti penebat, menghalang sebarang arus daripada mengalir melaluinya. Walau bagaimanapun, apabila kita menggunakan pincang ke hadapan kepada diod dengan menyambungkan terminal positifnya dengan Bahan Jenis P dan Terminal Negatif dengan Bahan Jenis N (Anod Positif), arus elektrik mula mengalir melalui litar.

Semasa keadaan pincang ke hadapan elektron bergerak ke arah lubang yang terdapat di persimpangan PN yang mengakibatkan pengurangan lebar kawasan penyusutan di sekeliling persimpangan menjadikan pengaliran lebih mudah berbanding dengan keadaan pincang songsang di mana kawasan penyusutan menjadi lebih luas mengakibatkan halangan elektron bebas yang hadir berhampiran bahan jenis P disebabkan oleh daya tolakan yang dihasilkan oleh elektrod negatif.

Dalam keadaan pincang songsang betul-betul sebaliknya berlaku kerana sekarang anda menyambungkan Anod Negatif Masing-masing Katod Dan Aliran Hentian Arus Antara Bahan Konduktif Yang Terdapat Di Kedua-dua Sisi PN-Simpang Akibat Penambahan Lebar Rantau Susutan Oleh itu Menghalang Sebarang Pergerakan Atau Aktiviti Pengaliran Dalam Seluruh Sistem Litar!

Diod memainkan peranan penting bukan sahaja dalam elektronik tetapi juga bidang lain seperti sistem penghantaran kuasa. Dengan mengawal aliran arus elektrik melaluinya, ia meningkatkan kecekapan peranti sambil melindungi daripada beban lampau atau voltan berlebihan yang boleh merosakkan komponen sensitif.

Pelbagai jenis diod

Diodes are important components in electronic circuits to control the flow of current. There are many different types of diodes available, and each has unique properties that make it suitable for a specific application.

The first type is the Rectifier Diode, which converts AC power to DC power by allowing current to flow in only one direction. It is commonly used in power supplies for electronic devices such as computers and televisions.